Your Boat,
Your Way!
About Boca Boat Tours

Who Is Boca Boat Tours?
The “we” in Boca Boat Tours is me (and, of course, the captains I trust and enjoy working with).
Greetings. I’m Anna. I’m passionate about boating, the sea, marine life, people enjoying themselves, and sharing the amazing richness of this area. I’ve lived in Mexico for fourteen years in two different areas, have traveled the country extensively, and love to share all the good this country has to offer.
I’m also the very first woman ever in the whole Bay of Banderas to legally own and operate her own boat.
I’m a writer and editor and love nature, animals, the ocean, food, wine, tequila, boating, and good conversation. I’ve written about health and wellness for years. Currently, I’m editing several books by other authors and am working on a fun, fiction mystery series set here in Mexico.
Lastly, if you’re considering retiring or moving to Mexico, I offer relocation and lifestyle change consulting to help people decide if the choice is right for them and fine-tune their plans. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in this service.
Here’s “Sam”
This is Samantha — or “SamDog.” She is known and loved all over the southern shores. If you book me either as your captain or guide and like dogs, I’m happy to bring her out with us. She adores people and loves to make new friends. She’s a blast to have aboard and a good all-around companion.
I’ve adopted nine dogs here and one horse. It’s a full house. Sam is great fun to have on tour. She’s a happy, wiggly bit of well-behaved fun, and she’s known from Vallarta to Yelapa.

Our Captains
I contract with four captains out of Boca de Tomatlan, and six out of Vallarta. They are all people I know and trust. They are drug-free, experienced, and skilled on the water. You’ll have a great time with them!